Voltage Valet Grounded Adaptor Plug Continental Europe – White


Modifies the following grounded appliance plugs to fit the electrical outlets found in most countries in Continental Europe*: Australia / New Zealand / China, India / Middle East (5 Amp), Israel, Italy, North American, Switzerland and United Kingdom / Hong Kong.

*DOES NOT fit Italian or Swiss sockets.

Do I need a grounded adaptor? If your North American appliance plug has two flat blades and one round pin, your appliance is grounded.

NOTE: Some countries use more than one type of outlet and you should carry the appropriate adaptor for each outlet listed.

IMPORTANT: Adaptor plugs DO NOT convert electricity; they simply modify foreign outlets. If your grounded appliance is multivoltage (120/240 or 100-240 volts) you only need a grounded adaptor plug. If the appliance is 120 volts only you need a grounded transformer to convert the voltage and a grounded adaptor plug to modify the outlet.

Availability: 10 in stock

SKU: GUB Category: Tags: ,


  • Dimensions: 1 1/2″H x 1 1/2″W x 2 1/2″D
  • Weight: 0.25 lb
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